Quick Start

Integrate PanguText into your project.

Project Requirements

The project needs to be created using Android Studio or IntelliJ IDEA and be of type Android or Kotlin Multiplatform project and have integrated Kotlin environment dependencies.

Configure Repositories

The dependencies of PanguText are published in Maven Central and our public repository, you can use the following method to configure repositories.

We recommend using Kotlin DSL as the Gradle build script language and SweetDependencyopen in new window to manage dependencies.

Configure repositories in your project's SweetDependency configuration file.

  # (Optional) You can add this URL to use our public repository
  # When Sonatype-OSS fails and cannot publish dependencies, this repository is added as a backup
  # For details, please visit: https://github.com/HighCapable/maven-repository
    url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HighCapable/maven-repository/main/repository/releases

Traditional Method

Configure repositories in your project build.gradle.kts.

repositories {
    // (Optional) You can add this URL to use our public repository
    // When Sonatype-OSS fails and cannot publish dependencies, this repository is added as a backup
    // For details, please visit: https://github.com/HighCapable/maven-repository

Configure Java Version

Modify the Java version of Kotlin in your project build.gradle.kts to 17 or above.

Kotlin DSL

android {
    compileOptions {
        sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_17
        targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_17
    kotlinOptions {
        jvmTarget = "17"

Functional Overview

The project is divided into multiple modules: Android platform and Jetpack Compose (multiplatform). You can choose the module you wish to include as a dependency in your project.

Click the corresponding module below to view detailed feature descriptions.


You can find some examples below. Check out the corresponding demo projects to get a better understanding of how these features work and quickly select the functionality you need.