This is a dependency for Jetpack Compose related functional extensions and supports multi-platform.
Currently supported platforms: Android, iOS, Desktop (JVM).
Configure Dependency
You can add this module to your project using the following method.
This is a Kotlin Multiplatform dependency, you need the org.jetbrains.kotlin.multiplatform
plugin to apply the relevant dependencies.
SweetDependency (Recommended)
Add dependencies to your project SweetDependency
configuration file.
# commonMain
version: +
# androidMain
version-ref: <this>::compose-extension
# iosArm64Main
version-ref: <this>::compose-extension
# iosX64Main
version-ref: <this>::compose-extension
# iosSimulatorArm64Main
version-ref: <this>::compose-extension
# desktopMain
version-ref: <this>::compose-extension
Configure dependencies in your project build.gradle.kts
If you use multi-platform dependencies in a regular project, you only need to deploy the corresponding platform suffix dependencies as needed.
If you use multi-platform dependencies in a multi-platform project, you need to add the compose-extension
dependency in commonMain
kotlin {
sourceSets {
val commonMain by getting {
dependencies {
Traditional Method
Configure dependencies in your project build.gradle.kts
If you use multi-platform dependencies in a regular project, you only need to deploy the corresponding platform suffix dependencies as needed.
If you use multi-platform dependencies in a multi-platform project, you need to add the compose-extension
dependency in commonMain
kotlin {
sourceSets {
val commonMain by getting {
dependencies {
Please change <version>
to the version displayed at the top of this document.
Function Introduction
You can view the KDoc click here.
Color Extension
Contents of This Section
Extensions for Color
in Jetpack Compose encapsulates color-related implementations, which solves the problem of using the Integer
type to pass colors in native Android.
also provides extensions for Color
similar to those in ui-extension → Color Extension, making it easier use.
Since Color
provides the alpha
property, the toAlphaColor
extension provided natively is no longer needed in Color
Here are some relevant example uses of color extensions.
Determine how bright the color is.
This is useful when you need to decide whether to use dark text based on how bright the color is.
The following example
// Assume we have the following colors.
val color = Color.White
// To determine how bright it is, you just need to use the following method.
// You will definitely get a true because this is a white color.
val isBright = color.isBrightColor
Convert color to HEX string.
The following example
// Assume we have the following colors.
val color = Color.White
// To convert it to a HEX string you just need to use the following method.
// You will get a "#FFFFFFFF" with transparency.
val hexString = color.toHexColor()
Mix two colors.
The following example
// Assume we have the following colors.
val color1 = Color.White
val color2 = Color.Black
// You can mix them very easily using.
val mixColor = mixColorOf(color1, color2)
// You can also set the mixing ratio, the default is 0.5f.
val mixColor = mixColorOf(color1, color2, 0.2f)
Determine whether Color
is unspecified.
When Color
is Color.Unspecified
, you can use the following method to get an object that can be null
in this state.
The following example
// Assume we have the following colors.
val color = Color.Unspecified
// null will be returned in this state, then you can use ?: to pass the default value in undefined cases.
val myColor = color.orNull() ?: Color.White
On non-Android platforms, you can convert the corresponding Color
object to the platform's color object in the following way.
The following example
// Assume we have the following colors.
val color = Color.White
// For example, you can convert it to a color object in JavaFX.
val awtColor = color.toPlatformColor()
// In iOS, you can convert it to a UIColor object.
val uiColor = color.toPlatformColor()
In Android platform, you can use the Color.toArgb()
method to convert a Color
object to an Integer
Likewise, you can convert the platform's color objects into Compose's Color
objects in the following way.
The following example
// Assume this is a color object in JavaFX.
val awtColor = Color.WHITE
// Assume this is a color object in iOS.
val uiColor = UIColor.whiteColor()
// Convert it to a Compose Color object.
val composeColor = awtColor.toComposeColor()
val composeColor = uiColor.toComposeColor()
In Android platform, you can use a form like Color(0xFFFFFFFF)
to convert an Long
type color into a Color
Border Extension
Contents of This Section
Extensions for Border
and BorderStroke
You can add a border to a component through the Modifier.border(...)
method, but when the border size is 0.dp
, the border will still exist.
The origin of this question comes from here, the solution mentioned in setting the border to a transparent color is not friendly because it still performs a drawing operation.
So BetterAndroid
provides the borderOrElse
extension, which will no longer add borders to components when the border size is 0.dp
The following example
modifier = Modifier
// Here, the size of the border is 0.dp, so the component will not have a border.
.borderOrElse(0.dp, Color.Black, RectangleShape)
) {
// Some content.
Gets the color in brush
) from an existing BorderStroke
is a type of Brush
, which can be used to fill color, a border created by BorderStroke(10.dp, Color.White)
will not be able to easily obtain the color from brush
provides an extension for this, now you can get the color in brush
using the following method.
The following example
// Assume this is your BorderStroke object.
val border = BorderStroke(10.dp, Color.White)
// When the brush is determined to be SolidColor, you can use the following method to get the color in it.
// If it cannot be obtained, Color.Unspecified will be returned.
val color = border.solidColor
// You can also set its default value when it cannot be obtained.
val color = border.solidColor(Color.Black)
Padding Extension
Contents of This Section
Componentized padding
, inherited from PaddingValues
is the padding
usage provided in Jetpack Compose, which can be set directly to Modifier.padding(...)
However, PaddingValues
does not provide functions such as copy
, once set, it cannot be modified, which is very inconvenient.
So BetterAndroid
inherited from PaddingValues
and rewrote ComponentPadding
to make it easier to use.
In terms of usage, ComponentPadding
is exactly the same as PaddingValues
, and you can also set it directly into Modifier.padding(...)
The following example
// Create a ComponentPadding.
val padding = ComponentPadding(10.dp)
// Create a 0.dp ComponentPadding of all directions.
val padding = ComponentPadding.None
// Set padding for each direction.
val padding = ComponentPadding(
start = 15.dp,
top = 10.dp,
bottom = 12.dp,
end = 16.dp
// Set horizontal and vertical padding.
val padding = ComponentPadding(
horizontal = 10.dp,
vertical = 15.dp
// Create a new ComponentPadding via copy.
val paddingCopy = padding.copy(top = 15.dp)
// Set to component.
modifier = Modifier.padding(padding)
) {
// Some content.
also encapsulates calculateLeftPadding
and calculateRightPadding
into Composeable methods, you no longer need to use LayoutDirection
to calculate padding
in the LTR and RTL directions.
The following example
fun MyComponent() {
// Assume this is your ComponentPadding.
val padding: ComponentPadding
// Get left.
val left = padding.left
// Get right.
val right = padding.right
You can also convert it to PaddingValues
using the following method.
The following example
// Assume this is your ComponentPadding.
val padding: ComponentPadding
// Convert to PaddingValues.
val paddingValues = padding.toPaddingValues()
Foundation Extension
There is a lack of a "disabled" state in Jetpack Compose components, BetterAndroid
provides the following ways to achieve this effect by adjusting the transparency of the component.
Its actual function is actually a visual enabling or disabling transparency effect, and does not set any state on the component.
The following example
modifier = Modifier
// Set the state of the component through componentState.
// You can also set disabledAlpha to adjust the transparency of
// the component in the disabled state.
.componentState(enabled = false)
) {
// Some content.
In the original clickable
, combinedClickable
, toggleable
, and selectable
, you need to manually set the default value for them.
If you only use these functions in a simple scenario, it will be more cumbersome.
provides extensions of the same name for the above functions, now you can use these functions more conveniently without having to think about using remember
and other methods to set their state.
The following example
modifier = Modifier
// Set the click event of the component through clickable.
.clickable {
// Handle click event.
) {
// Some content.
You need to change the package name referenced by these functions from
to com.highcapable.betterandroid.compose.extension.ui
In native Android, to implement haptic feedback, you need to use the View.performHapticFeedback
method or pass true
in the last bit of a method like setOnLongClickListener
In Jetpack Compose, you need to reference LocalHapticFeedback
every time and then use the performHapticFeedback
method, which seems unfriendly.
provides the HapticFeedback
method for this purpose, you can now use the following methods to implement haptic feedback more simply.
The following example
modifier = Modifier.combinedClickable(
onLongClick = HapticFeedback {
// Do something.
) {
Text("Long Click Me")
ImageVector Extension
Jetpack Compose natively provides an ImageVector
that can create vector images, but you need to use ImageVector.Builder
to create it.
This method does not seem very friendly, so BetterAndroid
provides a method of the same name of ImageVector
for this purpose.
The following example
// Create a vector image through ImageVector.
val myVector = ImageVector(
name = "my_vector",
defaultWidth = 32.dp,
defaultHeight = 32.dp,
viewportWidth = 48f,
viewportHeight = 48f
) {
fillAlpha = 1.0f,
stroke = SolidColor(Color.White),
strokeAlpha = 1.0f,
strokeLineWidth = 1.0f,
strokeLineCap = StrokeCap.Round,
strokeLineJoin = StrokeJoin.Round,
strokeLineMiter = 1.0f,
pathFillType = PathFillType.NonZero
) {
// ...
// ...
Unit Extension
In all units that can use isSpecified
for judgment, Jetpack Compose provides the takeOrElse
method, but it is not concise and easy to understand.
So BetterAndroid
provides the orNull
method for this, you can use it to get an object that can be null
in this state.
Below is a comparison of using takeOrElse
versus orNull
The following example
// Assume we have the following units.
val dp: Dp
val sp: TextUnit
// Use takeOrElse.
val dpValue = dp.takeOrElse { 10.dp }
val spValue = sp.takeOrElse { 10.sp }
// Use orNull.
val dpValue = dp.orNull() ?: 10.dp
val spValue = sp.orNull() ?: 10.sp
You will find that orNull
is more concise and easier to understand.
Adaptive Layout
Adaptive layout provides a solution to measure each child component and distribute it evenly with the size of the parent layout horizontally or vertically without knowing the size of the child component.
For example, you can use the following method to arrange two buttons horizontally and evenly distribute their widths based on the size of the parent component.
The following example
// Create an AdaptiveRow.
modifier = Modifier.width(150.dp),
// You can set the spacing of each component.
spacingBetween = 10.dp
) {
Button(onClick = { /* ... */ }) {
Text("Button 1")
Button(onClick = { /* ... */ }) {
Text("Button 2")
You don't need to set any width for the Button
at this point, they will be automatically measured and evenly distributed.
Likewise, you can use AdaptiveColumn
to arrange components vertically.
The following example
// Create an AdaptiveColumn.
modifier = Modifier.height(150.dp),
// You can set the spacing of each component.
spacingBetween = 10.dp
) {
Button(onClick = { /* ... */ }) {
Text("Button 1")
Button(onClick = { /* ... */ }) {
Text("Button 2")
Dialog, Popup Component Extension
Contents of This Section
A wrapper for DialogProperties
in the Android platform.
Limited properties for Android platform in DialogProperties
A wrapper for SecureFlagPolicy
in the Android platform.
Extensions for Dialog
Extensions for Popup
The extensions described in this section are available for use in Kotlin Multiplatform.
When creating Dialog
and Popup
, commonMain
does not handle the special functions in the Android platform well.
provides functions related to the Android platform for this purpose, you can use them directly in commonMain
without having to adapt them separately for Android.
mirrors all properties from DialogProperties
and encapsulates Android platform-specific properties into DialogPropertiesWrapper.AndroidProperties
In the Dialog
method provided by BetterAndroid
, you can directly pass in the DialogPropertiesWrapper
The following example
// Create a dialog.
onDismissRequest = {
// Handle related events.
properties = DialogPropertiesWrapper(
dismissOnBackPress = true,
dismissOnClickOutside = true,
usePlatformDefaultWidth = true,
usePlatformInsets = true,
scrimColor = Color.Black.copy(alpha = 0.6f),
// Set special properties for the Android platform.
androidProperties = DialogPropertiesWrapper.AndroidProperties(
secureFlagPolicy = SecureFlagPolicyWrapper.Inherit,
decorFitsSystemWindows = true
) {
// Some content.
Currently, only alpha
in scrimColor
in DialogPropertiesWrapper
can take effect on the Android platform.
For Popup
, the onPreviewKeyEvent
and onKeyEvent
parameters do not exist on the Android platform, which will causes commonMain
to fail to compile when distributed to Android.
To fix this problem, BetterAndroid
simulates onPreviewKeyEvent
and onKeyEvent
for the Android platform, now you don't need to worry about compatibility issues.
The following example
// Create a popup.
onDismissRequest = {
// Handle related events.
properties = PopupProperties(),
onPreviewKeyEvent = {
// Handle related events.
onKeyEvent = {
// Handle related events.
) {
// Some content.
You need to change the package name referenced by Dialog
and Popup
above from androidx.compose.ui.window
to com.highcapable.betterandroid.compose.extension.ui.window