
The version update history of BetterAndroid is recorded here.

Pay Attention

We will only maintain the latest dependencies, if you are using outdate dependencies, you voluntarily renounce any possibility of maintenance.


To avoid translation time consumption, Changelog will use Google Translation from Chinese to English, please refer to the original text for actual reference.

Time zone of version release date: UTC+8


1.0.5 | 2024.03.08  latest

  • Removed Factory suffix from all extension method kt files
  • Removed deprecated files in the previous version
  • Fixed the problem of incorrect subscripts and item positions returned by onItemViewsClick and onItemViewsLongClick in CommonAdapterBuilder
  • Adjust the entry record object added in the adapter to LinkedHashSet to prevent repeated additions
  • Open DEFAULT_VIEW_TYPE in RecyclerAdapterBuilder
  • Added onBindItemId method in the adapter to customize the behavior of getItemId
  • The adapter now allows direct use of onBindViews to bind item layouts without callbacks
  • Added onBindHeaderView and onBindFooterView methods in RecyclerAdapterBuilder
  • If the trigger method is called in OnBackPressedCallback and is not removed, the callback event will be re-enabled

1.0.4 | 2024.01.02  stale

  • SystemBarsController has been fully migrated to window insets API, please refer to the documentation to start using the new usage
  • Reconstructed SystemBarsController and modified the initialization method, please refer to the documentation to get started using the new method
  • Window insets has been completely separated from the system bars into WindowInsetsWrapper, InsetsWrapper, InsetsFactory
  • Deprecated all related usages of window insets in the system bars, please start using the new window insets API now
  • Reconstructed BackPressedController and connected it to BackPressedDispatcher, please refer to the documentation to start using the new usage
  • AppViewsFragment adds a new loading layout method using the constructor method to pass in layoutResId
  • Renamed RecyclerCosmeticMaccker to RecyclerCosmetic and made related functions generic
  • Opened preset decorators for RecyclerView, now you can create them manually
  • Refactored a lot of functions related to adapters. Now you can create them manually using the method of the same name for each adapter (BaseAdapter is CommonAdapter)
  • Reconstructed notification related functions, please refer to the documentation to start using the new usage
  • Renamed and modified some other functions

1.0.3 | 2023.12.03  stale

  • The init method of SystemBarsController adds the defaultPaddings parameter, which can configure whether to automatically add the corresponding system bars padding during initialization
  • When using the show or hide method in SystemBarsController, it will automatically determine whether the system bars padding has been added to determine whether to add the corresponding padding
  • Added AppComponentActivity, inherited from ComponentActivity, applicable to Jetpack Compose without setting AppCompat theme
  • When using AppBindingActivity, AppViewsActivity, AppComponentActivity, the added layout background color will be automatically filled into the parent layout

1.0.2 | 2023.11.24  stale

  • Refactor the System Insets function in SystemBarsController to fix the problem that the maximum layout size cannot be calculated on Compose View
  • Added SystemInsets.Paddings and setBaseBackgroundResource, isVisible functions to SystemBarsController
  • SystemBarsView is obsolete, please start using the new way to customize the System Insets function
  • Added View.applySystemInsets, View.appendSystemInsets, View.removeSystemInsets methods

1.0.1 | 2023.11.18  stale

  • Fix the loading exception catching problem in SystemBarsController

1.0.0 | 2023.11.02  stale

  • The first version is submitted to Maven


1.0.4 | 2024.05.05  latest

  • Integrate the parameters of the entry and exit animation methods in the Fragment extension
  • Remove the default transition animation in the Fragment extension and delete the related resource files
  • Added the Fragment.viewBinding method in the ViewBinding extension
  • Fix the problem that the layout inflate by viewBinding in the ViewBinding extension will not be automatically cached
  • Fix the problem that the inflate method in the ViewBinding extension cannot be loaded correctly when encountering <merge> and <include> type layouts
  • Adjust the inflate method in the ViewBinding extension to ignore the attachToParent parameter when encountering <merge> and <include> type layouts
  • Remove all deprecated methods in the old version of the ViewBinding extension

1.0.3 | 2024.03.08  stale

  • Removed Factory suffix from all extension method kt files
  • Removed deprecated files in the previous version
  • The ViewLayoutParams method of ViewFactory now supports the AbsListView.LayoutParams type
  • Added updateCompoundDrawables and updateCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds methods in ViewFactory
  • Added parent and parentOrNull methods in ViewFactory
  • Added walkToRoot, walkThroughChildren, indexOfInParent methods in ViewFactory
  • Added child, childOrNull, firstChild, lastChild, firstChildOrNull, lastChildOrNull methods in ViewFactory
  • Merge the inflate method in ViewFactory into LayoutInflaterFactory and deprecated the original method
  • Added addToBackStack parameter to the add methods in FragmentFactory
  • The commitTransaction method is deprecated in FragmentFactory and is now migrate to the official fragment-ktx dependency
  • Added themeResId method in ResourcesFactory
  • Added new ViewBinding solution and deprecated the old solution

1.0.2 | 2024.01.02  stale

  • Some package names that are not classified according to the standard have been moved, if you encounter an error, please re-import these calling methods
  • Modified related names for Java calls
  • Added updatePadding method in ViewFactory that can set horizontal and vertical directions
  • The inflate method in ViewFactory will automatically use Activity.getLayoutInflater
  • Renamed ColorsFactory to ColorFactory
  • Renamed toMixColor in ColorFactory to mixColorOf
  • Some methods in ColorFactory will now no longer throw exceptions
  • Added GradientDrawableCompat, you can use it to create GradientDrawable for versions below Android 10
  • Added updatePadding method in DrawableFactory that can set horizontal and vertical directions
  • asDp, asPx and its usage in DimensionFactory are obsolete because of its design error, and are now connected to the new usage toDp, toPx
  • Added DisplayDensity, you can easily use dp, px to convert units
  • Deprecated getDimensionPx in ResourcesFactory, please use toPx to calculate manually
  • Deprecated isSpecialWindowingMode in ResourcesFactory and ActivityFactory, please do not use it again
  • Added getFontCompat method in ResourcesFactory
  • Fix the usage error of commt related functions in FragmentFactory
  • A large number of related usages in FragmentFactory have been modified, now please refer to the documentation to start using the new usages
  • Added compressBitmap method in BitmapFactory
  • Added Window.toast method in ToastFactory
  • The toast method in ToastFactory has a new allowBackgroud parameter, you can now allow Toast to show in non-main threads
  • Some methods in WindowFactory will now no longer throw exceptions
  • A new method in WindowFactory can be used to set the screen brightness using the Float type
  • Use WindowInsetsController in ViewFactory to show or hide the input method and rename the methods to showIme, hideIme
  • Deprecated ViewLayoutParam class, please use the ViewLayoutParams method instead
  • Added duration parameter to performKeyPressed in ViewFactory
  • Added updateMargin method in ViewFactory that can set horizontal and vertical directions
  • Methods in ActivityFactory were inline processed
  • Added each startActivityOrElse method in ActivityFactory
  • The round method in BimapFactory now supports setting the corner radius in each direction

1.0.1 | 2023.11.18  stale

  • Fix the problem of incorrect return value of getColor and getColorStateList methods in ResourcesFactory

1.0.0 | 2023.11.02  stale

  • The first version is submitted to Maven


1.0.1 | 2024.01.02  latest

  • Renamed some incorrectly named methods in SystemVersion
  • Added name attribute in SystemVersion
  • Caching SystemKind detection results to prevent repeated creation of reflection objects
  • Deprecated get in SystemKind, now please use the current property to get the current system type.
  • Renamed some incorrectly named methods and classes in ApplicationFactoy
  • Removed FLAG prefix in AplicationInfoFlagsWrapper
  • Modified the related usage in BroadcastFactory, now please refer to the documentation to use the new usage to create runtime broadcasts
  • Modified the relevant usage in ClipboardFactory, now please refer to the document to use the new usage to use the clipboard function
  • Methods in ServiceFactory were inline processed
  • Added startServiceOrElse and startForegroundServiceOrElse methods in ServiceFactory

1.0.0 | 2023.11.02  stale

  • The first version is submitted to Maven


Not yet released.


1.0.2 | 2024.01.16  latest

  • Added HapticFeedback method, you can set it to any click or touch event
  • ComponentPadding adds a None method, you can use it to directly get ComponentPadding(0.dp)
  • Modified onDismissRequest in Dialog to make it mandatory to exist, matching the usage in the official foundation
  • Optimize some code styles

1.0.1 | 2024.01.08  stale

  • Removed some useless @Stable annotations
  • Added borderOrElse method with the same name and new usage
  • Added AdaptiveRow, AdaptiveColumn

1.0.0 | 2024.01.02  stale

  • The first version is submitted to Maven


0.1.0 | 2024.01.02  latest

  • The first version is submitted to Maven