Package-level declarations
Views layout params tool.
Get the text view's ellipsize status.
Get or set the text view's strike through style.
Get or set the text view's underline style.
Get the layout inflater from context.
Reference to ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT.
Reference to ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT.
Clear the WindowManager.LayoutParams.screenBrightness.
Disappear the soft input.
Get the view's index in its parent view.
Inflate a view using resId.
Extension for LayoutInflater.inflate.
Extension for LayoutInflater.inflate.
Get the view's parent view VG.
Get the view's parent view.
Simulate the key down and up events.
Remove self from its parent view using ViewGroup.removeView.
Remove self from its parent view using ViewGroup.removeViewInLayout.
Show the soft input.
Show a Toast with Dialog.
Show a Toast with Context.
Show a Toast with View.
Show a Toast with Window.
Show a Toast with Fragment.
Update window's attributes.
Updates this view's horizontal or vertical padding.
Update the WindowManager.LayoutParams.screenBrightness.
Update the edit text's text and set the cursor to the end.
Update the text view's typeface.
Create a new ViewGroup.LayoutParams.
Walk through the view's children views.
Walk to the view's parent views.