Package-level declarations
Workaround for class name changed for ApplicationInfoFlagsWrapper.
Application info flags wrapper.
Clip data item's builder.
Package info flags wrapper.
Get clipboard manager.
Get the long version code of package info (compat).
Get the primary cpu abi for the application.
Get the secondary cpu abi for the application.
Get the version code of package info (compat).
Create a clip data.
Copy to clipboard.
Copy intent to clipboard.
Copy text to clipboard.
Copy uri to clipboard.
Copy html text to clipboard.
Copy text to clipboard.
Disable an componentName.
Enable an componentName.
Get the current component name of this application.
The wrapper of PackageManager's function.
The wrapper of PackageManager's function.
The wrapper of PackageManager's function.
The wrapper of PackageManager's function.
Get the Parcelable data (compat).
Get the Parcelable data (compat).
Get the Serializable data (compat).
Get the Serializable data (compat).
Determine whether the componentName is enabled.
Determine whether the application has given flags.
Determine whether the packageName has any launch activity.
Determine whether the packageName was installed.
Determine whether the componentName is enabled or default.
Get the clip data item list.
Query launch activities for packageName.
Query launch activities for packageName.
Register a broadcast receiver.
Reset an componentName.
Start a foreground Service using ComponentName.
Start a foreground Service
Start a foreground Service using ComponentName.
Start a Service using ComponentName.
Start a Service
Start a Service using ComponentName.